Woody Guthrie, perhaps one of the most well-known American folk singers of all time, was no fan of the Axis. Prior to World War II, when he performed with the Almanac Singers, he wrote mostly peace songs. All that changed when he heard of Germany invading Russia, and afterwards he scrawled the famous phrase on his guitar, "This Machine Kills Fascists." Although he had communist/socialist political leanings, he nevertheless insisted they include him in the USO to perform for the troops. He was rejected, and instead joined the Merchant Marine to avoid the draft. He carried his guitar aboard and entertained the men on the ship and when they went in port.
Woody Guthrie in the Merchant Marine, 1943.Without fail, each time he was aboard a ship they were torpedoed for a total of 3 times. After 2 years he was thrown out of the Merchant Marines and labeled a communist. Much to his chagrin, he was drafted into the Army only 2 months before the surrender of Germany. When the war with Japan ended, he was discharged in November of '45.
Woody in the Army, 1945.The rest, as they say, is history.